Why You Might Lose All Your Friends When Going On A Psychedelic And Spiritual Journey

Change Is the Only Constant

Alina Pitt
3 min readSep 6, 2024


Young Woman Leaving Home
Young Woman Leaving Home, created by author with hotpot.ai

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When I decided to drink Ayahuasca and later consume spoonfuls of ground iboga powder, I had no idea that I would lose all my friends and even feel the urge to distance myself from family members.

I was completely in the dark about all these changes.

Would I do it again today with this knowledge? Yes, absolutely.

If you are thinking about taking psychedelics, I just want to give you a heads-up about the kind of change you might expect.

Yes, all psychedelic awakening journeys are unique and very individual, but what they all have in common is that your vibration and frequency may change.

When you no longer resonate with certain people, it is often easiest to simply seek out those who resonate with you at this new frequency.

Low vibrational emotions and people will only drag you down and hold you back.

By taking psychedelics in a very mindful way, you will be able to raise your awareness.



Alina Pitt

Alina is a writer, yoga teacher, digital nomad, ex-marketing and sales manager. She escaped the 9-5 rat race and became a microdosing and biohacking advocate.